Echipa noastra

Valorile noastre:

Empatie: suntem buni ascultători și avem o inimă mare
Încredere: poți conta întotdeauna pe noi
Proprietatea datelor: dețineți datele dvs., nu le vom împărtăși niciodată cu terțe părți
Smerenie: avem știința, dar avem multe de învățat împreună
Grit: ne facem misiunea cu pasiune și vrem să vă ajutăm milioane (de milioane) :)

Misiunea noastră

Ajutând milioane de milioane de oameni să aibă o sănătate mintală și o bunăstare mai bună, o calitate mai bună a vieții, inclusiv la locul de muncă, cu ajutorul științei
Ajutând organizațiile să își îmbunătățească cultura pentru a valorifica sănătatea și bunăstarea mentală la locul de muncă
Având un impact societal, făcând oamenii mai sănătoși și mai fericiți
Având un impact societal, făcând oamenii mai sănătoși și mai fericiți

Faceți cunoștință cu echipa noastră

Dr. Lavinia Ionita
CEO & Medical Director

Lavinia is a medical doctor and the founder of Sorcova. Passionate about the science of preventative health, she aims to help people at scale for having a better health & quality of life. She completed Master’s degrees in Addictology, Clinical Psychology & Psychopathology, and also a Certificate in Omics Science from Stanford.

Dan Minca
Data Science & Technology

Dan Is a data scientist with an interdisciplinary background in AI and Cognitive Science, graduating from Tilburg University in Netherlands. Dan loves the blend of technology and humanistic sciences, aiming to help millions to be healthier and have better lives with Sorcova Health.

Maria Golesteanu
Health Coach

Maria is a certified health coach, being in the wellness industry for more than 5 years working with corporate clients and private individuals. She is experienced using HRV analytics to improve performance, resilience and creativity of their workforce and decrease stress and burnout risk.

Dr Cristian Iancu
Doctor scientist

Cristian is a medical doctor and also a PhD laureate with more than 15 years of experience in clinical diagnosis and medical research, mainly in molecular biology laboratories. He has several peer-reviewed publications and a strong interest in bioinformatics, stem cells, ethics, anthropology.


S. is a brilliant scientist with a cross-field expertise in nutrition, metabolomics and also scientific marketing. She obtained her PhD in biochemistry at Cambridge (UK) and has worked in Academia and also industry, including several startups. She loves yoga and cats :)

Ursula Jarero
Product Designer

Ursula Is a Product Designer with a big interest in the field of mental health and its relation with technology. She studied Product Design @The Weissensee Academy of Art In Berlin. And Integral Design @The Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente in Mexico.

Isabell Britsch

Isabell teaches mindfulness and self-compassion in regular meditation classes, dedicated courses over 4-8 weeks, and one to one. Her emphasis is on facilitating a deepening of self awareness through understanding our internal psychology - our patterns of behaviour and how they influence our lives.

Rachid Hammoudi
Sport coach

Rachid is a certified sport coach having acquired several expertises and methodologies in the physical exercise domain. He worked for several well-known gym clubs in Paris, while also working with enterprises for their teams. He is also organising sport related events. With Sorcova, he provides onsite and online group exercise sessions.

Claudia Nistor
Sport coach

She started her fitness journey back in 2012 and fell in love with building the best and strongest version of herself. A session with her will guarantee lots of sweat and fun! She believes group fitness is one of the keys to unlocking the motivation in people to keep up with a fit and healthy lifestyle. She is a certified coach for Zumba classes, but she aiso giving body sculpting cardio classes.

Consiliul științific consultativ

Dr. Elisa Kaufmann
Psychiatrist & psychotherapist| Appraiser

Elisa is a specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, expert in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). She is based in Switzerland, treating a variety of mental disorders, with a focus on depression, burnout, anxiety disorders, phobias.

Omkar Pimple

Omkar is an engineering leader & entrepreneur with an extensive and varied background in mobile application development. He is a builder that loves
building products that make people happy -
he has a personal presence on the Android
Play Store grossing five million
(5,000,000+) downloads across 180+

Dr Horia Stanescu
Researcher | UCL

Horia is a specialist in Medical Genetics, with more than 20 years international experience in biomedical research. Having spent four years at the National Human Genome Research Institute in the USA, he has brought his expertise to the University College London where he co-directs a multidisciplinary Genetic Analysis Group.

Kevin Contrepois
Researcher | Stanford University

Kévin is an expert in omic research in the context of precision medicine & preventative health. He is director of metabolomics and lipidomics in the Dep. of Genetics at Stanford University (USA) and scientific director of Stanford Metabolic Health Center.

Dr Patrick Hanaway
Doctor Scientist | Cleveland Clinic

Patrick is a board-certified family physician trained at Washington University. For more than 20 years he was worked with his wife, Dr. Lisa Lichtig, in clinical practice at Family to Family: Your Home for Whole
Health Care in Asheville, NC.

Pr Jean-Michel Oughourlian
Psychiatrist | Professor Emeritus Sorbonne

Pr Oughourlian is an neuropsychiatrist and psychologist as well as a writer and philosopher recognised for his work on the mimetic theory of desire. He was a professor at University of Sorbonne Paris V, teaching clinical psychopathology for more than 15 years. He is involved in the fight against poverty, exclusion, and sickness through the defense of the physical, psychological, and spiritual integrity of individuals.

Pr Francois Tarragano
Cardiologist | American Hospital of Paris

Dr Tarragano is a physician cardiologist, chief of cardiology department of Americain Hospital of Paris. He is also a consultant at Lariboisiere Hospital and Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospital in London. With extensive experience in interventional cardiology, Dr Tarragano is also interested in preventative health and personalised medicine.

Amanda Fornal
Business Consultant | Explorer | Women in STEM Advocate

Amanda has 25 years of experience as a technology professional and business consultant. She has diverse industry experience implementing software, optimizing processes, and executing change management strategies. She is the founder of Founder Buddies and Women in Exploration and a director at an early-stage startup accelerator. Amanda is also an executive coach trained through Columbia.

Laetitia Vitaud
Future of work

Laetitia is a writer and speaker about the future of work and consumption. She believes in that values of craftsmanship (autonomy, creativity, responsibility) will emancipate workers and help companies create more value(s)

Guy de Ber
Serial entrepreneur | Technology

Guy de Beer is an entrepreneur and executive with more than two decades of bringing ground breaking technologies to global markets (some of them listed in NASDAQ). de Beer’s recent company, Kami computing, (acquired by Embodied inc), was a generative AI conversationalist operating in the voice modality, which was first to pass the famous Turing test, and deployed on Alexa. He also founded cloud gaming pioneer Playcast Media, which was the first to stream games from the cloud.

Pascal Gane
Healthcare Management | Lifescience

Pascal Gené is a senior executive, with a medical background and an extensive expertise in the healthcare ecosystem. He worked more than 25 years at IBM France & Europe, including IBM Watson Health business unit, with focus on health and real life data, analytics and cognitive solutions for healthcare and life sciences professionals. He is very passionate about preventative health, ethics and environment.